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Feed your pet like a pro

A balanced diet is fundamental to your pet's health. Use our tools and create perfectly balanced feed for your beloved furry friend. Even when your pet is ill, we will support you with any questions you may have regarding its nutrition.

Choose your animal species:

Homemade food? Yes please!

Is it important for you to know what exactly ends up in your pets bowl? Do you want a varied and balanced diet that is precisely tailored to the preferences of your pet? Our feed calculator helps you to easily create a meal that meets your pets needs - your homemade pet food will be balanced and healthy!

Other advantages of home-made feed are a better acceptance, lower amounts of feces, better dental health and fewer allergies.

Register now and find out when you can calculate your own feed.

Homemade food? Yes please!

Is it important for you to know what exactly ends up in your pets bowl? Do you want a varied and balanced diet that is precisely tailored to the preferences of your pet? Our feed calculator helps you to easily create a meal that meets your pets needs - your homemade pet food will be balanced and healthy!

Other advantages of home-made feed are a better acceptance, lower amounts of feces, better dental health and fewer allergies.

Register now and find out when you can calculate your own feed.

Homemade food? Yes please!

Is it important for you to know what exactly ends up in your pets bowl? Do you want a varied and balanced diet that is precisely tailored to the preferences of your pet? Our feed calculator helps you to easily create a meal that meets your pets needs - your homemade pet food will be balanced and healthy!

Other advantages of home-made feed are a better acceptance, lower amounts of feces, better dental health and fewer allergies.

Register now and find out when you can calculate your own feed.

Sick animal?

Feeding the right helps!

We will help you to prepare a suitable feed. We cater to the special needs of your sick pet and therefore help to relieve the affected organs.

Ideal weight?

Determine the BCS

Are you unsure whether your pet has the ideal weight? Learn how to determine the Body Condition Score (BCS) and monitor its weight even without a scale.


Lose weight made easy

Being overweight shortens the life expectancy of your pet by up to 20%. It's time to do something about it. Develop the tailor-made weight loss plan with the help of our experts.

  • Krankes Tier?

    Richtig füttern hilft

    Wir helfen dir dabei ein optimal abgestimmtes Futter zuzubereiten, welches auf die speziellen Bedürfnisse deines kranken Vierbeiner eingeht und so die betroffenen Organe entlastet.

  • Idealgewicht?

    Hol’ dir die App und ein Maßband.

    Du bist unsicher, ob dein Liebling das optimale Gewicht hat? Nutze unsere App und bestimme durch morphometrische Messungen die Idealgewichtsspanne deiner Katze.

  • Übergewicht?

    Kein Problem! Wir sind für dich da.

    Übergewicht verkürzt die Lebensdauer deines Lieblings um bis 20%. Es wird Zeit etwas dagegen zu tun. Starte direkt und entwickle mit Hilfe unserer Experten den maßgeschneiderten Abnehmplan.

Understand feeding through our nutrient encyclopedia.

A balanced diet is fundamental to your pet's health. Use our tools and create perfectly balanced feed.

Only available in German at the moment.

Understand feeding through our nutrient encyclopedia.

A balanced diet is fundamental to your pet's health. Use our tools and create perfectly balanced feed.

Only available in German at the moment.

Understand feeding through our nutrient encyclopedia.

A balanced diet is fundamental to your pet's health. Use our tools and create perfectly balanced feed.

Only available in German at the moment.

Caution poisonous!

What you need to know

Not everything that we humans like to eat is also suitable as food for our pets. Find out here which foods, plants and other poisons should not end up in the bowl.

Only available in German at the moment.

Caution poisonous!

What you need to know

Not everything that we humans like to eat is also suitable as food for our pets. Find out here which foods, plants and other poisons should not end up in the bowl.

Only available in German at the moment.

Caution poisonous!

What you need to know

Not everything that we humans like to eat is also suitable as food for our pets. Find out here which foods, plants and other poisons should not end up in the bowl.

Only available in German at the moment.

Was tun, wenn die Katze eine blaue Zunge hat?

Verarzten | blaue Zunge

Was tun, wenn die Katze eine blaue Zunge hat?

Hausgemachtes Futter für Hunde und Katzen: Vor- & Nachteile im Check

Füttern | Futter zubereiten

Hausgemachtes Futter für Hunde und Katzen: Vor- & Nachteile im Check

Krallenpflege für Hunde und Katzen: So bleiben Pfoten gesund!

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Krallenpflege für Hunde und Katzen: So bleiben Pfoten gesund!

Parasiten bei Hund & Katze: Kokosöl, Bernstein & Co. - Was hilft wirklich?

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Parasiten bei Hund & Katze: Kokosöl, Bernstein & Co. - Was hilft wirklich?