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What to feed your dog with diabetes mellitus?

Nutrition | diabetes mellitus

What to feed your dog with diabetes mellitus?


Old dog is panting and restless - what's going on?

Health | heart disease

Old dog is panting and restless - what's going on?


Dog is restless and keeps changing places - why and what to do?

Health | nocturnal restlessness

Dog is restless and keeps changing places - why and what to do?


Dog behaviour: Why do dogs lick people's ears?

Explore | behaviour

Dog behaviour: Why do dogs lick people's ears?


Healing clay for dogs - a natural remedy

Nutrition | home remedy

Healing clay for dogs - a natural remedy


Dog is suddenly yelping | Recognise pain and take action

Health | pain

Dog is suddenly yelping | Recognise pain and take action


Vaccination for dogs and cats | A shot can save lives

Prevention | vaccination

Vaccination for dogs and cats | A shot can save lives


Vaccinations for dogs and cats | Basic immunisation and boosters

Prevention | vaccination

Vaccinations for dogs and cats | Basic immunisation and boosters


Core vaccinations in dogs | The core of optimal prophylaxis

Prevention | vaccination

Core vaccinations in dogs | The core of optimal prophylaxis


Non-core vaccinations in dogs | Don't give nasty diseases a chance

Prevention | vaccination

Non-core vaccinations in dogs | Don't give nasty diseases a chance


Contraceptive methods in dogs – from castration to birth control shot

Health | contraceptive methods

Contraceptive methods in dogs – from castration to birth control shot


We say "yes" to long noses! Problems of brachycephalic breeds

Explore | suffering breed

We say "yes" to long noses! Problems of brachycephalic breeds


Cute flat-face? Why pugs are not cute, but sick!

Explore | brachycephaly

Cute flat-face? Why pugs are not cute, but sick!


False pregnancy – is that normal?

Health | false pregnancy

False pregnancy – is that normal?


False pregnancy and home remedies – what helps?

Health | false pregnancy

False pregnancy and home remedies – what helps?


Dogs and rose hips: Are dogs allowed to eat rose hips?

Nutrition | superfood

Dogs and rose hips: Are dogs allowed to eat rose hips?


Bursitis in Dogs | What helps?

Health | bursitis

Bursitis in Dogs | What helps?


Umbilical hernia in puppies | What to do?

All | umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia in puppies | What to do?
