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False pregnancy and home remedies – what helps?

Health | Vom 29.08.22

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False pregnancy and home remedies – what helps?

cover: JessicaMcGovern | Shutterstock

False pregnancy and home remedies. False pregnancy in unspayed bitches is completely normal. But if the symptoms are too intense, it can become a burden. It is best to support your bitch as a preventative measure. That way, you can make her feel better.

We'll show you some tricks and home remedies, how they work and when you can use them. Although there is effective medication, it is rarely necessary to use it, because preventive measures and natural remedies are usually sufficient for your bitch.

What is false pregnancy?

Bitches become false pregnant about 4 to 12 weeks after they come into heat. During this phase of their female cycle, the hormones progesterone and prolactin increase and cause physical and behavioural changes. False pregnant bitches then behave as if they had pups and sometimes even show milk flow. This behaviour is said to strengthen the dog pack and help raise the puppies, even though not all bitches have puppies themselves. It is therefore a normal process.

In the article "False pregnancy – is that normal?" you can read further into the veterinary aspect of the subject. You will find more background information on what happens in the bitch's body during a false pregnancy and how to prevent it permanently.

Mike Burke | Unsplash


In false pregnant bitches, the rising hormone levels imitate pregnancy and the postpartum period - they effectively turn into a mother dog without puppies. This affects physical appearances as well as behaviour. On one hand, their teats swell and milk may flow out, usually small whitish drops are visible at the teats. Secondly, they become restless, eat and sleep less, build a nest and mother their toys, which serve as a substitute for puppies. Some bitches may even become aggressive if their protective instinct is strong.

These are the symptoms of false pregnancy in bitches:

  • swollen mammary glands

  • discharge of milk

  • restlessness

  • sleep problems

  • loss of appetite

  • nest building

  • mothering of toys

  • aggression

How long does false pregnancy last in bitches?

If left untreated, false pregnancy lasts about two to three weeks. This is how long it takes for the hormone levels to drop again. Often this period is very exciting for both owner and bitch, as the symptoms change from day to day and can increase or decrease.

However, if medication is given to inhibit the hormones responsible, so-called prolactin inhibitors, it can be stopped earlier if the symptoms cause the bitch to suffer.

Bildagentur Zoonar | Shutterstock

What can be done if the bitch has a false pregnancy?

Nowadays, very few false pregnant bitches live in a pack with puppies and can take care of them. As a result, most bitches have no natural valve for their hormone-induced needs. This can cause them to obsessively play with toys or become aggressive. The false pregnancy can also be physically unpleasant, for example if the mammary gland becomes very swollen and painful or even inflamed. In these cases, the use of medication is advisable. The confidu app can help you with this.

There are a few basic rules you can follow to prevent false pregnancy from letting your dog suffer. Keep her busy and distracted, for example by taking her for long walks. Also, do not touch or stroke the belly or mammary gland unnecessarily, as this can increase hormone release and cause inflammation. Toys can also stimulate maternal feelings. So it is better to remove them inconspicuously, i.e. when your bitch is not around. Once the false pregnancy has passed, the toys are of course welcome to return to their place. Another trick to reduce the milk flow is to slightly reduce the amount of food. When the body notices that it is getting less energy than usual, it shuts down milk production in order to be able to supply itself sufficiently.

Basic rules for false pregnancy:

  • keep your dog busy and distracted

  • do not touch the mammary gland unnecessarily

  • remove toys

  • slightly reduce the amount of food

Home remedies and homoeopathy

There are also some home remedies that can help your bitch to become more balanced if her symptoms are mild. The effects are usually not scientifically proven, but many vets and owners report good experiences. These home remedies won't do any harm and we recommend that you try them out and see what works for your dog.

One classic is the cold compress. If the mammary gland swells and hardens, cold, moist compresses can help against the pain and the feeling of pressure - anyone who has ever breastfed will be able to relate to this. Also a curd compress or a simple cool pack wrapped in a towel will do the job. But as I said, avoid touching the mammary gland unnecessarily. If your dog licks her belly extensively, the milk flow will be stimulated and the discomfort will only get worse. You put on a T-shirt or collar to prevent licking. 

There are also herbal remedies to stop milk flow, such as parsley and sage. Feed your dog two tablespoons of finely chopped herbs twice a day until milk stops coming out. This may take varying amounts of time. Finally, there are some homoeopathic remedies that are very popular for false pregnancy. They are based on herbal substances and you can get them in specialised veterinary practices or in the pharmacy as globules or drops.

ka_re | Pixabay

Homoeopathic remedies for false pregnancy and lactation


Pulsatilla D30 is extracted from the pasqueflower and is suitable for bitches with a strong maternal instinct and swollen mammary glands.


The remedy Ignatia is made from the highly poisonous Ignatia bean and is used in the potency D30 for bitches that are aggressive during false pregnancy, although they are otherwise very calm companions. Their mammary glands should not be swollen.


Asafetida is the plant hing, also called Devil's Dung. Anxious and restless bitches may benefit from it. The potencies D4 to D6 are used.


The plant genus of pokeweed is the source of the preparation Phytolacca D3. It is said to help a swollen and hard mammary gland. You should definitely visit a veterinary practice, if your bitch suffers a lot from this, maybe also has a fever, the mammary gland is additionally reddened or even pus is flowing out. The homoeopathic remedy will not be sufficient for a cure and your bitch will probably need antibiotics and a painkiller.


Belladonna is a highly toxic plant that is used as a homoeopathic remedy for mastitis. So if your bitch has inflammation of the mammary gland, she can be given Belladonna D30 in addition to conservative veterinary treatment with medication.


It is quite normal that your bitch experiences false pregnancy - she should just not suffer from it. You can support your four-legged friend with simple preventive measures and thus often prevent a more intense course of the condition.

If the symptoms do become more pronounced, there are other home remedies such as cold compresses and homoeopathic preparations that can provide your bitch with relief. You know your dog best - be brave and try different things!

The confidu magazine is written by our veterinarians according to current scientific standards. The articles do not replace a veterinary diagnosis, but are intended to provide you with initial information on many topics related to your animal. If you have specific questions about your pet, our vets will be happy to advise you via the confidu app.

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