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Contraceptive methods in dogs – from castration to birth control shot

Health | Vom 21.09.22

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Contraceptive methods in dogs – from castration to birth control shot

cover: Ksenia Raykova | Shutterstock

Contraceptive methods in dogs. Our four-legged family members actually become sexually mature at the latest when they reach the age of one year, although in larger breeds this may not occur until a little later. With the onset of sexual maturity, interest in the opposite sex also awakens. This can lead to an unwanted behaviour or puppies. To prevent this from happening, there are some contraceptive options. We will explain them to you with all their advantages and disadvantages.

There are two alternatives for bitches

Surgical castration

Spaying involves removing your bitch's ovaries and, in some cases, her uterus. This means that she will not come into heat after the procedure, nor will she be able to get pregnant. Since spaying is a surgical procedure and carries some risks, the decision to do so must be made on an individual basis for each animal.

Good to know: Some pet owners still use the term sterilisation as an analogy to castration. This is not medically correct. Sterilisation only involves disconnecting the fallopian tubes so that the eggs can no longer pass from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes and uterus where they can be fertilised. The ovaries remain in the body and continue to produce hormones. In the bitch, this would involve massive risks due to the maintained hormonal cycle and would almost inevitably cause dangerous pyometra. Therefore, bitches are always spayed and not sterilised.

Hormone injections

As an alternative to surgical spaying, it is possible to suppress your bitch's heat with hormonal injections. The hormone injected causes the ovaries to stop functioning and prevents your bitch from coming into heat. It is important that you keep regular intervals (every 5 months) with this contraceptive method. In addition, the first injection must be given during the rest of the cycle, i.e. 3 months after the last heat. It is not recommended for breeding animals, as the onset of heat after discontinuation of the medication cannot be predicted and mating is often unsuccessful.

tumour of the mammary gland in a bitch, P.Fabian | Shutterstock

The birth control shot for the bitch – great danger of side effects

A hormone injection with proligestone as an alternative to surgery sounds promising at first. However, hormonal suppression of heat carries a high risk of side effects. Painful reactions and hair loss can occur at the injection site itself. But what is more serious is that the risk of uterine infections (pyometra) and mammary tumours increases considerably. The risk of developing diabetes mellitus also increases.

There are three alternatives for male dogs

Surgical castration

Surgical castration removes the testicles from your male dog and irreversibly stops hormone and sperm production. Sex hormone-related behaviours such as marking, aggression towards other male dogs or roaming around are reduced or completely eliminated by neutering.

Chemical castration

In male dogs, there is a good alternative to surgical castration in the form of an implant that is placed under the skin. No anaesthetic is needed and you can first see whether castration would change your dog negatively or positively. The implant causes the same physical reactions as surgical neutering, except that they are completely reversible.


Hormone injections

There is another option of hormonal suppression of the sex drive, but this does not cause reproductive failure and sperm quality remains unaffected. Only the male-like behaviour is reduced. There are two different active substances (proligestone, delmadinone acetate) that can be injected for this purpose. In contrast to the implantation of a chip or surgical castration, this option carries a high risk of side effects and reproduction is not completely prevented. Hormone injections should only be used in rare cases or for conditions such as benign prostate enlargement because of their potential side effects and low reliability.

Conclusion on contraceptive methods: What is the best method for my dog?

Hormonal injections to suppress the bitch's heat or the male dog's sex drive are now rarely used because of the side effects. Surgical spaying is the method of choice for the bitch to achieve permanent suppression of her reproductive ability. In the male dog, you have a good alternative to surgical castration by placing an implant, which is completely reversible.

The confidu magazine is written by our veterinarians according to current scientific standards. The articles do not replace a veterinary diagnosis, but are intended to provide you with initial information on many topics related to your animal. If you have specific questions about your pet, our vets will be happy to advise you via the confidu app.

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