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False pregnancy – is that normal?

Health | Vom 29.08.22

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False pregnancy – is that normal?

cover: LauraVl | Shutterstock

False pregnancy – is that normal? In false pregnancy, a female shows maternal behaviour such as nest-building and milk flow without having been pregnant. Therefore, the term false pregnancy is not entirely accurate, as the predominant symptoms correspond to natural behaviour AFTER birth. False pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes during the cycle and usually develops about one to three months after heat. 

Some bitches show a clear false pregnancy after each heat, in other bitches the symptoms are very mild and are not noticed by the owner. It is not yet known what this difference in symptoms depends on. In any case, a false pregnancy is a normal process and only needs to be treated if the symptoms are pronounced.

Why does my dog become false pregnant?

In the past, it was important in the pack that dogs other than the mother were also able to care for the puppies. Therefore, it made sense that non-pregnant bitches also developed maternal behaviour. After heat, the hormone progesterone is produced in the ovaries of both pregnant and non-pregnant females. 

Progesterone serves to maintain the pregnancy and, for the time being, to stop the hormonal cycle that would cause the female to come back into heat. Pregnancy lasts about 64 days and towards the end the mammary glands are stimulated. From this time on, the concentration of progesterone in the blood decreases and that of the hormone prolactin increases. This causes milk production and behavioural changes.

Litvinov Dmitry | Shutterstock

What are the symptoms of false pregnancy?

The affected bitches are restless, refuse to eat, carry their toys around and even build a nest. Aggression towards other animals or humans may also occur. Bitches often lick their swollen mammaries, which stimulates the flow of milk. The symptoms can last two to three weeks if left untreated.

How is false pregnancy diagnosed?

Usually, the preliminary report of an unspayed bitch that was in heat about a month ago and is now showing the typical symptoms is sufficient. However, pregnancy, inflammation of the mammary gland or tumorous changes must always be excluded.

How can I treat a false pregnancy?

In case of symptoms such as a strongly swollen mammary gland and pronounced behavioural disorders such as aggressiveness, the above-mentioned hormone prolactin must be switched off by administering prolactin inhibitors (cabergoline, metergoline). These drugs must be given for at least 5 days, but in any case for 2 days after the symptoms disappear.

If the symptoms are less severe, it is sufficient to remove the toys and distract your bitch as often as possible, e.g. by taking her for a walk. You must not stimulate the mammary gland - that means rubbing ointment, milking or applying cool compresses to the mammary gland is forbidden! It is best not to touch it at all. There are also some home remedies that may help your bitch and prevent the development of more severe symptoms.

If you cannot exclude the possibility of pregnancy, no medicinal treatment is allowed.

Can I prevent the development of a false pregnancy?

The development of a false pregnancy can only be prevented by castration. This will stop the production of the hormones that cause it, as the ovaries are removed. However, you should not spay your bitch during false pregnancy as there is a risk that she will show symptoms of false pregnancy for a very long time. The best time to spay is 3 months after heat.

thirawatana phaisalratana | Shutterstock

My bitch is spayed - but seems to be false pregnant anyway!?

In spayed bitches that become false pregnant more than once after spaying, it is possible that ovarian tissue remains in the abdominal cavity. Another cause may be hypothyroidism. These possibilities must be clarified immediately by a veterinarian.

Is false pregnancy harmful to my bitch?

A false pregnancy can be a psychological burden for your bitch if the symptoms are severe, in addition to the risk of mammary gland inflammation. In case of regularly occurring false pregnancies with pronounced symptoms, we advise you to have your bitch spayed. If you still have questions about this topic or if your dog is affected yourself, don't hesitate to contact the confidu diagnosis finder or a veterinarian you trust.

The confidu magazine is written by our veterinarians according to current scientific standards. The articles do not replace a veterinary diagnosis, but are intended to provide you with initial information on many topics related to your animal. If you have specific questions about your pet, our vets will be happy to advise you via the confidu app.

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