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Cat zoomies: Why is my cat running around like crazy?

Explore | Vom 29.08.22

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Cat zoomies: Why is my cat running around like crazy?

cover: Nick Karvounis | Unsplash

Cat zoomies: Why is my cat running around like crazy? From one minute to the next, your cat is no longer itself. Whereas it is usually so calm, it now races through the flat. It stops abruptly and grooms itself briefly, mews loudly, chases invisible mice and jumps on the furniture. Its eyes are wide open and its pupils huge. What's going on? Should you be worried?

Why is my cat freaking out?

What got into your cat's body is not a demon, but too much pent-up energy. And it's letting it out all of a sudden. This is not serious, but an expression that your cat is unbalanced

Cats are actually rather cosy animals and sleep most of the day. But they are also hunters who want to run, jump and hunt. Especially indoor cats, which are often alone, have little incentive to move around in everyday life. Then they accumulate more and more energy, which at some point seeks an escape valve. And then the 5 minutes of madness begin. | Shutterstock

Then your cat runs around with a crazy look in its eyes, doubles and meows. Some cats also cause damage by shredding toilet paper, cleaning out open cupboards or scratching the carpet.

What to do when your cat is hyper?

If your cat dashes through the flat as if it had been stung, you should simply let it do so. She has switched to "hunting mode". Do not chase or frighten it, but let it calm down. Your cat may find the situation threatening if it suddenly changes from being the hunter to being the hunted. It may even hurt you unintentionally. 

If you want to play with your cat, it's best to wait until it's had a good romp. And that doesn't take long. Usually the mad 5 minutes are literal and over quickly. Then your cat will be cuddly again.

Can I distract my cat?

Your cat will usually calm down on its own after a few minutes. However, if you are afraid that it will hurt itself or break something when it lets out its excess energy, you can shorten the 5 minutes. Divert her attention to something else. And there is something that almost all cats respond to: food.

You can simply give your cat a treat or some food. Often the rustle of the package or the opening of the food cupboard is enough to attract your cat. Feed it in its usual place and it will calm down.

cottonbro | Pexels

How can you make your cat calmer in general?

You can do a lot to help your cat become more balanced. Because if it lets out its energy in a directed way, it will have its 5 minutes less or not at all.

Indoor cats are often bored. That's why you should have an extensive play session at least once a day. You can play chase games with her, offering cat fishing rods, laser pointers or play mice as prey. When your cat is alone, toys can serve as a pastime. And you don't even have to spend a lot of money. Simple paper bags or cardboard boxes serve as hiding places and can always be placed in different places in the home. But be careful: Please remove the handles from paper bags beforehand so that your cat can't get caught in them!

And do you already know about food toys? With these toys, your cat has to make a little effort to get to its food. You can buy different models, but you can also make them yourself. Fill a paper bag or cardboard box with bits of newspaper or dry leaves and hide small treats or some dry food inside. 

High scratching posts and perches on top of the wall provide physical activity. Cats love to have an overview and reach their favourite places by climbing and jumping. And how about a little cinema feeling? A bird feeder in front of the cosy window invites the house cat to watch. If you have enough space, a partner cat is also welcome. It's best to choose an animal of the same age and sex. Then the chances are best that the two will get along.

Here are some tips for calming your cat:

  • daily play time

  • paper bags (without handles) and cardboard boxes as hiding places

  • food toys

  • high places to sit and climb

  • bird feeder in front of the window

  • partner cat

Shchus | Shutterstock

Cat running around the flat like crazy and panting

If your cat is running around the room and also panting, this can have various reasons, from harmless to life-threatening. When panting, the breathing rate is increased, the mouth is open and the tongue sticks out slightly. Cats generally pant very rarely. To assess the seriousness of the situation, the circumstances and other symptoms are crucial. 

Harmless reasons are warm ambient temperatures, great exertion or stress. If your cat is running from A to B for several minutes, it may start panting. This is simply the cat giving off heat through its mouth, similar to what dogs do. Cats don't sweat all over their body like we do, but they release body heat through their paws and sometimes also through their mouths.

However, if symptoms such as a pumping breath, breathing noises, apathy or a blue tongue appear, it is an emergency and you should take your cat to a veterinary practice immediately. 


Many cats have their mad 5 minutes of pent-up energy from time to time. This is not serious and is just a sign that they need more exercise. Even if cats sleep half the day away, they are born mouse hunters and need lots of exercise and challenges.

So if your cat is dashing around the house, just let it go, it will calm down quickly. In the future, however, help your cat to exercise regularly. That way, energy won't build up any more. You know your cat best and know what it likes. Play with it more and offer variety in everyday life. New climbing opportunities, window places and cardboard boxes will certainly be welcomed and explored. And if you have enough space, a partner cat can also do wonders.

The confidu magazine is written by our veterinarians according to current scientific standards. The articles do not replace a veterinary diagnosis, but are intended to provide you with initial information on many topics related to your animal. If you have specific questions about your pet, our vets will be happy to advise you via the confidu app.

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